24/7 Emergency Service

(734) 469-7000


Privacy Policy

Updated Date: Nov, 2023

The following data protection declarations apply to the online offering of ottlimousine.com as well as of the following social media platforms:


1. Data Protection Officer

If you have any questions about these terms of data protection or, more generally, to the processing of personal data by us , please contact the following department:

Phone: (734) 469-7000
E-Mail: [email protected]

2. What personal data we process?

General information

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (e.g. name, address, telephone number or e-mail address). If we process personal data, this means that we collect, store, use, transmit or delete. Basically you can use our online offer without giving personal data. The use of certain services may, however, require the disclosure of personal data, such as the participation in couponing, rebates or other actions for which it is necessary to identify a person entitled to participate. If you are not able or willing to provide the necessary data, some services can only be used to a limited extent.

Legal bases of the processing

We process your personal data for the following purposes and on the basis of the above-mentioned legal basis. In the event that the data processing on a balancing of the interest is based, we will explain our legitimate interest, which we pursue with the processing:

Provision of the online offer and fulfillment of the contract
Legal basis: contract fulfillment
Personalization of the offer
Legal basis: contract performance or consent
Analysis of the offer for the determination of usage behavior
Balancing interests: there is a legitimate interest, the usage behavior in our online offer to analyze to improve this continuously or to the interests of our users to be able to customize
Implementation of discount or coupon actions
Legal basis: contract fulfillment
Identification of faults and ensure system security, including detection and tracking unauthorized access or attempts to access our web server Fulfilling our legal obligations in the field of data security, as well as balancing of interests; we have a legitimate interest in the elimination of faults, ensuring system security and detection and tracking unauthorized access attempts or requests Currency and defense of our rights
Balance of interests; we have a legitimate interest in the assertion and defense of our rights

Contact form

If you would like to take advantage of services that require a contract is concluded, we will ask you to specify the data requested on the order form. In the framework of the contact we collect the justification for the contract and fulfilled the necessary personal data (e.g. First name, last name, birth date, E-mail address, phone number) and, if necessary, further data on a voluntary basis. Mandatory fields marked with a *.

4. Disclosure of information to countries outside the European Economic Area?

We do not give any data to so-called processor outside the European Economic Area.

5. How long do we store your data?

We store your data as long as the provision of our website and the related services is required or we have a legitimate interest in the further storage. In all other cases, we will delete your personal data, with the exception of such data, we meet regulatory (e.g. tax or commercial) continue to need to be able to keep retention periods (e.g. Invoices). Data that are subject to a retention period, we lock up to expiry of the time limit.

6. Processing of data by debt collection service provider

We reserve the right to make the collection of receivables by service providers, such as so-called processor recruiting.

7. Log Files

Each time you use the Internet, certain information is sent automatically by your Internet browser and stored by us in so-called log files. The log files will be used by us for identification of faults and safety reasons (e.g. for the elucidation of attack attempts) for 7 to 14 days and then deleted. Log files, their further storage is required for evidential purposes, are excluded from the deletion until the final clarification of the respective incident and may in individual cases be passed to investigative authorities.

In particular, the following information is stored in the log files are:

  • Internet Protocol (IP) address of the terminal, from which the online offer access;
  • Internet address of the website from which the online offer was called (so-called origin or referrer URL);
  • Name of the service provider, through which the access to the online offer is made;
  • Name of the retrieved files or information;
  • The date and time and duration of the call;
  • Quantity of data transferred;
  • Operating system and information on the internet browser, including installed add-ons (e.g. for the Flash Player);
  • Http Status Code (e.g. Successful “request” or “Requested File Not Found”);
  • Log files are also used for web analytics.

8. Cookies

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are sent when you visit a web page in the browser of the user. The corresponding internet page is called again, the user’s browser sends the contents of the cookies back and thus enables a recognition of the user. Certain cookies are automatically deleted after the end of the browser session (so-called session cookies), others are for a predetermined period of time or permanently stored in the user’s browser and delete themselves independently (so-called temporary or permanent cookies).

What data will be stored in the cookies?

As a rule, no personal data is stored in cookies, but only an Online ID.

How can you prevent the use of cookies or delete cookies?

You may refuse the use of cookies via your browser settings to disable and delete previously stored cookies at any time in your browser (see section technology instructions). Please note, however, that this online offer without cookies may not or only to a limited extent.

Please note that some contradictions against the creation of user profiles using a so-called “opt-out cookie” work. You should delete all cookies, there is a contradiction and therefore not taken into account and must be raised again from you.

What cookies we use?

Essential Cookies

Certain cookies are required in order to ensure we can provide our online offer. For example, fall into this category

  • Cookies, the identification and/or authentication of our users;
  • Cookies, certain user inputs (e.g. Contents of a shopping basket or temporarily store an online form);
  • Cookies, certain user preferences (e.g. Search or language settings save);
  • Cookies To save the data, the fault-free playback of video or audio content.

Analysis cookies

We use cookies to make the usage behavior analysis (e.g. clicked advertising banner, visited bases, asked search queries) of our users in so-called usage profiles in order to be able to evaluate the record and in statistical form.

9. Web analytics

We need statistical information about the use of our website to make it more user-friendly design, range measurements to be able to operate and market research. To this end, we set the following analysis tools. The use of the tools of analysis by evaluating the use cookies or log files created profiles will not be merged with personal data.

The provider of the tools and process data in accordance with our instructions only as processors and not for his own purposes. The tools use IP addresses of the user is either non-existent or short immediately after the survey.

You will find information on the respective provider for each tool, including how to obtain the collection and processing of data by the tool. For Tools, the contradiction by means of opt-out cookie rotation is to note that the opt-out function is related to a device or browser and basically only for the currently used device or the browser used. If you have multiple terminals or browser, you must use the opt-out on each terminal and in any browser. In addition, you can also prevent the formation of usage profiles for the purposes of analysis overall, by the use of cookies in general.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). We use Google Analytics with the additional feature offered by Google to anonymize IP addresses: In this case, the IP address of Google is usually already within the EU and only in exceptional cases be reduced only in the USA and in any event only in abbreviated form.

You can use the survey or evaluation of your data by using this tool, available under the following link: Download and install the browser plugin http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de

10. Adblocker and opt-out cookie

We would like to point out that the use of the adblocker can affect the functioning of opt-out cookies. In certain cases, it can therefore, in spite of storing an opt-out cookie, in addition to that the corresponding tools continue to collect data. In this case, you can restore the functionality by using the configure adblocker or uninstall it.

11. Inventory customer info without logging in

If we have your E-mail address in connection with the sale of a product or service and you will receive the have not objected to, we reserve the right to provide you with regular offers similar goods and/or services from our portfolio to send by E-Mail. You can at any time revoke the without charge; you can find information about this in section Your Right to revocation of the consent.

12. Your rights (rights of the person concerned)

How can you assert your rights?

Please use the information in the Contact Us section to assert their rights. Please ensure that we have a unique identification of your person is possible.

Please note that your data is initially only blocked, provided that the deletion of retention periods.

Your rights of access and rectification

You can request that we confirm to you whether we process personal data in question and you have a right to information with a view to their data processed by us. If your data is incorrect or incomplete, you may request that your data corrected or completed. If we pass on your data to third parties, we inform them about the rectification, insofar as this is required by law.

Your right to cancellation

You can, if the legal requirements are met, we immediate deletion of your personal data. This is particularly the case if

  • Your personal data for the purposes for which they were collected, no longer needed;
  • The legal basis for the processing and you have revoked your consent was only;
  • You have objected to the processing for marketing purposes (“objection against advertising”);
  • A processing on the basis of the legal basis of interests for personal reasons have objected to and that we are not able to demonstrate that there are legitimate reasons for a processing priority;
  • Your personal data processed unlawfully; or
  • Your personal data must be deleted in order to comply with legal requirements.

If we pass on your data to third parties, we inform them about the cancellation, insofar as this is required by law.

Please note that your cancellation is subject to legal restrictions. For example, or we are not allowed to delete data that we need to be able to keep still further on the basis of statutory retention periods. Also, the data we need for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims are excluded from your cancellation right.

Your right to restrict the processing

You can, if the legal requirements are met, a limitation of the processing demand from us. This is particularly the case if

  • The accuracy of your personally identifiable information from you is disputed, and then until we had the opportunity to check the accuracy;
  • The processing is not legitimate, and instead of the deletion (see previous section) a limitation of use;
  • We will use your personal data for the purposes of the processing, you no longer need to assert this, however, exercise or defense of legal claims;
  • You have raised opposition for personal reasons, and then press and hold until it is to ascertain whether their interests prevail.
  • If there is a right to limitation of processing we mark the affected data in order to ensure that they are processed only in the narrow limits for such limited data (in particular for the defense of legal claims or with your consent).

Your right to data portability

You have a right of access to personal data that you provide to us fulfilment of the contract or on the basis of a given their consent, in a portable format. In this case, you can also demand that we transmit this data directly to a third party, insofar as this is technically feasible.

Your right to revocation of the consent

If you have granted us a consent to the processing of your data, you can revoke this at any time with effect for the future. The legality of the processing of your data until revocation remains unaffected.

Your right of objection for personal reasons

You have the right reasons related to their specific situation, the processing of data by us to contradict, as far as this is based on the legal basis of legitimate interest. We will then adjust the processing of your data, unless we can – in accordance with the legal requirements – compelling legitimate grounds for further processing by practices which outweigh their rights.

Your right of appeal in the case of a supervisory authority

You have the right to file a complaint with the data protection authority. You can, in particular, to the Data Protection Authority, which is responsible for your residence or your state or responsible for the place at which the violation of data protection law has taken place. Alternatively, you can also contact the competent data protection authority for us, this is:

Country representative for data protection and freedom of information


Email: [email protected]
Phone: (734) 469-7000